
搜索"mother daughter"找到的小说 (Page1)

《The Joy Luck Club》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

Four mothers, four daughters, four families whose histories shift with the four winds depending on who's saying the stories. In 1949 four Chinese women, recent immigrants to San Francisco, begin meeting to eat dim sum, play mahjong, and talk. United in shared unspeakable loss and hope, they call the...

《The Bonesetter's Daughter》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

... at either end by Ruth's chapters, the central portion of The Bonesetter's Daughter takes place in China in the remote, mountainous region where anthropologists discovered Peking Man in the 1920s. Here superstition and tradition rule over a succession of tiny villages. And here LuLing grows up under...

《卖Mother》 / 小鸡汤 / 其他


《Mother》 / June-M / 原创小说

原创小说 - BL - 完结 - 西方
OE - 双性 - 产乳 - 生子

《GOD Mother》 / Ramperoge / 其他 精品


《THE SUBTLE KNIFE》 / 菲利普·普尔曼 / 英文

Will tugged at his mother's hand and said, Come on, come on...But his mother hung back. She was still afraid. Will looked up and down the narrow street in the evening light, along the little terrace of houses, each behind its tiny garden and its box hedge, with the sun glaring off the windows of one...

《The stolen Child》 / 凯斯·唐纳胡 / 英文

...Whale Rock, thank you to Jane Alexander and Ed Sherin.Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection inspired the journal article on the anthropological roots of the changeling myth.

《American Ghosts and Old World Wonders》 / 安吉拉·卡特 / 英文

...e: the Old World) contains The Ghost Ships, In Pantoland, Ashputtle or The Mother's Ghost, Alice in Prague or The Curious Room and Impressions: The Wrightsman Magdalene.The anthology's contents are also reprinted in the volume Burning Your Boats, which features all of Carter's short fiction.

《热雨》 / 青悶 / 原创小说

16岁(女)vs 36岁(男)
Daughter & Father

《布雷克诗选》 / 威廉·布雷克 / 诗歌

... of Thel, 1789-1791)、《阿爾比恩女兒們的夢幻》(Visions of the Daughters of Albion, 1793)、《天國與地獄的婚姻》(The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1790-1793)、《自由之歌》(A Song of Liberty, 1792),另擷取筆記本手稿(Notebook, 1793-1803)中鮮為人知的珠璣小...

《薄唇的Mentor》 / 万般皆善 / 言情


《时间的女儿》 / 约瑟芬·铁伊 / 侦探

时间的女儿,The Daughter of Time 这个书名出自一句英国古谚:The truth is thedaughter of time ,意思是时间终究会把真相给生出来,水落石出,报应不爽。一部独一无二的历史推理小说,甚至很不像一本推理小说。小说中所谓的案件是...

